Thor's Toothbrush by Merrickk

Merrickk is a music producer, who makes electronic music using ableton, guitar, and a few hardware synths. Growing up Merrickk played piano, flute, and guitar before he discovered electronic music. A few years ago Merrickk went on a skate trip with some of his friends to Barcelona, and there he found his appreciation for electronic music. Merrickk came back from that trip and instantly got his ticket to LIB that year. From then on, his fascination for the digital realm of music only expanded. Merrickk started learning garage band and then logic and now he uses ableton. Merrickk music is made at the moment and is largely a reflection of whatever mood he was in at the time he made the track. Merrickk believes there is so much potential in electronic music to express ourselves and it’s something he hopes to do in his own tracks. 

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